Thursday, 16 May 2013

Haute Couture Cycle 2 Model! Plus a bit of reggae!


I am delighted to announce I have (finally) joined a modelling competition! The competition which caught my eye was Elasticgirl's "Haute Couture Cycle 2" on Unbound where different eras of history and fashion are explored. Hopefully I will get past the application process and be accepted as a model.

Of course I couldn't resist the opportunity to create a new model! So, behold, my new model, Lucinda Caldwell:

She has a beautiful smile :3
I was trying to move away from my more smaller, timid, maybe even cute models (although I still haven't cracked the cute look I really want) and create a more unique and stronger looking model. Hopefully I have achieved this! She is growing on me, I'll have to see how she models throughout the competition. I'll keep you posted ;).

And if you care to look at her for longer, here is a bodyshot:



P.S. I advise you to listen to "Make It Bun Dem" - it reminds me of my recent Comenius school trip to Sweden where I stayed with a very nice Swedish family and thoroughly enjoyed the country's food (and the snow :3). Why does it remind me of it? Because while driving through the snowy landscape this song was played extremely loudly with the bass turned all the way up - magic :')!

That is all for now - tata!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Updates: Sensation, University Life and my Dead-Diamond Legacy

This post is really just of updates and to let you know I am still here!!

My life has been very busy recently with preliminatory exams and also real exams :'). I have been in hardly any competitions - pretty sure my last was "Little Miss Cutie" hosted by Hox but I would love to enter some again soon!

I'm still enjoying working at Sensation Magazine and am excited to tell you Issue 25 was released this morning: click here to read!


I've recently re-discovered my passion for building houses, and am thinking about posting some up for download. I'm currently creating a modern/oriental themed house but it is still very much a work in progress. I may post pictures once it is complete!

I only found about Sims 3 University Life about a month ago and after watching the trailer, reading about it and watching The Lazy Game Reviewer's review on Youtube - I really want it! I highly recommend Lazy Game Reviews; they are hilarious and informative. Just pretty awesome in general.

Don't know if anyone has noticed :'), but The Diamond Legacy has kinda been abandoned. I may start it up again but with a much more laid back, casual, random and (hopefully) humorous style of writing. Probably me being the narrator and not the sim. We shall see :).

I have also been considering wiping out all my CC and starting from scratch as I have way too much which is causing my game to lag - I don't use half of it anyway!

Well that's all for now, but I hope to once again post more often!

Thanks for reading,